September 24, 2021 at 10:48 AM

Town Farm Spurwink River

Town Farm Spurwink River

Since 2021

In Maine, US


This chronolog combines 66 photos from 29 contributors. Learn more

About this site

Comprised of a large field, a few pine trees, and a cluster of shrubbery, Town Farm  is one of the largest public open spaces in Cape Elizabeth. It sits on a slope overlooking the Spurwink River and marsh system. Most of the field is lined with brushy forest, aside from this location, which provides a scenic outlook towards the marsh.

In the summer, the field fills with wildflowers and other native plants creating a natural, healthy habitat for grassland birds and pollinators. Photos taken at this observation site will help to monitor seasonal patterns in plant life as well as tidal patterns in the marsh.

Town Farm is owned and managed by the Town of Cape Elizabeth  and protected by a conservation easement held by Cape Elizabeth Land Trust.

VOLUNTEER: CELT welcomes Volunteers! Learn more here  on ways you can get involved.

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About Cape Elizabeth Land Trust


The Cape Elizabeth Land Trust  maintains five photo monitoring stations to enable citizen science monitoring of environmental changes in our local ecosystems. Through these locations and accompanying education programs, we hope to foster climate change literacy, scientific engagement, and connections to nature in our community. This project began in 2021 with financial support from the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership.


CELT is part of the Momentum Conservation's Climate Change Observatory Network, a photo monitoring program designed to work with environmental organizations and communities to assist with the observation, measurement and documentation of long‐term climate change trends and climate adaptation projects. 


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