August 30, 2022
Managed by Falmouth Land Trust
Since 2022
In Maine, US
This chronolog combines 28 photos from 12 contributors. Learn more
Invasive species pose a threat to biodiversity as they propagate and outcompete natural vegetation. Photos captured at this site help montitor invasive species and our ongoing work to remove and manage them in order to restore native plants to create a healthy ecosystem.
Learn More about Inv asive Species.
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Morrill Stillings Bird Sanctuary is one of the oldest farms in Falmouth. Deeds indicate the land was originally purchased in the early 1700s by Samuel Waldo, a wealthy king pine trader who bought masts in the region for the King of England. In 1798, John Morrill Jr purchased the property and built a house. His family, and eventually his daughters, farmed it well into the 1800s. From the 1800s -1900s, the farm was a productive place for agriculture as indicated by the inspiring twenty foot wide stone wall surrounding much of the 15- acre field. The farm had livestock, apple and pear trees; and grew peonies that were sold to the Boston and New York markets. Based on aerial photography, the property appears to have had an orchard in the field west of the current residence as early as 1940 and as late as 1987.
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The mission of the Falmouth Land Trust is to preserve and care for natural and agricultural lands in perpetuity, to enhance habitat for plants and wildlife, to advance the quality of life for all in our community, and to educate the public on the history and stewardship of protected lands.
The Falmouth Land Trust pledges itself to become a resource for all people and all groups wishing to access, enjoy, and protect natural lands. To find out more about this commitment, please click here .
Falmouth Land Trust is part of the Momentum Conservation's Climate Change Observatory Network , a photo monitoring program designed to work with environmental organizations and communities to assist with the observation, measurement and documentation of long-term climate change trends and climate adaptation projects.
Chronolog is a monitoring tool for parks, nature centers, wildlife organizations, schools, and museums worldwide. With over 100,000 contributors across 300 organizations, Chronolog is on a mission to engage communities with nature while recording important natural changes.
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