October 23, 2024
The Eye of Volo Bog is surrounded by concentric, floating vegetation zones. The first zone, the Herb Mat, is the thinnest and only supports light-weight plants like sedges and ferns. As the mat thickens, it supports small shrubs of the Low Shrub Zone then gets thicker still with trees defining the third floating zone, the Tamarack Zone. Each zone is making its way inward and will eventually overtake the eye. For now, Volo Bog is the only open-water quaking bog to remain in Illinois.
IDNR in northeastern Illinois is lucky to have sites supported by Friends groups - Friends of Moraine Hills State Park and Friends of Volo Bog. Both are 501(c)(3) membership organizations.
The purpose of both Friends groups is to promote citizen awareness of the local natural heritage of the sites and to help care for and preserve them through supporting special events, volunteer opportunities, scholarships, educational and training programs.
Visit our Friends at:
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